Friday, September 25, 2015

'Alpha Girl' Novel re-written from Mr.Thomas Stone's point-of-view. Yay or Nay?

What do you think? Is this kind of thing overdone? (What with E.L James and Stephenie Meyer doing the same thing) Re-writing a story and switching from the heroine’s point of view, to the hero to gain an insight into a previously unknown point-of-view. Whilst many consider this ‘lazy-writing’, I feel that telling the story from Tom’s perspective could really give interesting insight into his thoughts and feelings.

The guilt he feels when he is attracted to a student, the fear in his heart from falling for her. So many new, raw emotions that I want to explore!


So, let me know. Would you read it?


  1. Omg I absolutely love your books, like they have to be the best books I have ever come across, EVER. You are an amazing writer and I'm so excited for book 3 of the Wolfling saga to come out so PLEASE HURRY!!! 😍😍...and PLEASE DO NOT TELL ME THAT TOM IS DEAD. This can't be true. I literally cried when I read those words...but I'm hoping it's not true. I never want to stop reading these books. I read each one in one day❤❤💕. PLEASE HURRY AND PUBLISH THEM ON AMAZON KINDLE. Your books give me life!!!!

  2. Omg I absolutely love your books, like they have to be the best books I have ever come across, EVER. You are an amazing writer and I'm so excited for book 3 of the Wolfling saga to come out so PLEASE HURRY!!! 😍😍...and PLEASE DO NOT TELL ME THAT TOM IS DEAD. This can't be true. I literally cried when I read those words...but I'm hoping it's not true. I never want to stop reading these books. I read each one in one day❤❤💕. PLEASE HURRY AND PUBLISH THEM ON AMAZON KINDLE. Your books give me life!!!!
